Daily Archives: March 25, 2015

Just A Thought

Hey, I’m back. I caught myself wondering today what motivates the people at the gym. The great majority of them are typically overweight, so I can only assume they are there to improve their health and possibly their appearance.

The thing that puzzles me is that I have seen a bunch of these people for quite sometime and they typically look the same as when I may have first seen them. There exercise routines have not advanced to the next level or changed. They say (who ever they are) we are creatures of habit which is easily proven when it comes to exercise.  With that being said though, I believe they are way better of mentally and physically now that they exercise on a regular schedule. Even if it is not visible, yet.

I am always observing what is going on in the gym and seem to keep an eye on the kid that is probably lifting more then he/she should without a spotter or the member that is possibly new and isn’t really sure where to start. I always seem to have an urge to want to help the people at the gym because I believe my past experiences  would help others achieve their fitness goals, be it getting better conditioned cardiovascularly or increase their strength.